When auditing collection agencies or repossession forwarders, one common question arises: “Do I need a statistically valid sample?” The short answer: No. While a statistically valid sample can be useful in some contexts, it’s not always practical or necessary in this heavily regulated industry. Instead, a categorical sampling approach often proves more effective.
In the third in our series of new CCPA regulations from California, we look at obligations for conducting risk assessments under CCPA. CCPA had called on the California agency to promulgate rules to address such assessments, and when they would be needed.
Senate Banking Committee ranking Republican Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C. said on December 11 that unlike several other regulators, the CFPB is ignoring his call to pause rulemaking until the Trump Administration takes office.
Quick analysis: Everything Up in Oct and YTD
October was an across-the-board up month, with CFPB complaints +5.6 in Oct and +119.3% YTD, TCPA suits +17.5% in Oct and +4.4% YTD, FDCPA suits +4.1% in Oct and +6.3% YTD and FCRA suits +2.1% in Oct and +10.1% YTD.
Acting Comptroller of the Currency Michael J. Hsu today discussed the rising challenge of financial fraud, emphasizing its pervasive impact on consumers and the broader financial system during a Women in Housing and Finance Public Policy Luncheon.